Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Happy Super Fat Tuesday!

Happy Mardi Gras, all. How fitting on this day of indulgence that we will also embark on our most politically indulgent venture of recent memory: Super Tuesday, when 24 states will hold their primaries or caucuses. It's so super this year, they added a Duper. That's right: Duper.

In celebration thereof, rather than rattle off predictions and the results of my fervent analysis, I'm just going to link to a couple of things I've read that I liked.

This is by Matt Bai and is from last weeks Times Magazine. Its a look at super-delegates (a confoundingly stupid scheme to keep the party together) that says today's contest will probably render the Democratic contest moot, to be judged by a small body of self-important party officials (who seem to have only the party in mind, not the rest of the world, and who also include the Clintons).

This is Michael Chabon's argument on why everyone should support Obama. It makes sense but I think he's kind of a jerk about it.

And this is by Jesus, er, Frank Rich. Just read it, please.

That's all. Hope you enjoy and that you vote today if you can or if there is a contest in your state.


update: Obama, too, is a superdelegate. Also, found this article by Marc Lamont Hill on why not to support him.


Anonymous said...

Obama is also a Superdelegate.

Mark Jaynes said...

Duly noted.