Thursday, January 31, 2008

Elect George Clooney now!

if i may...

(and, yes, this will probably turn into a Pro-Barack Obama rant)

I saw some jerk reading the NY Post on the subway the other day. and the headline read something to the effect of "Obama crushes Hil 55-27." And my reaction was, similar to my reaction that I usually have when I see a Post, "Jesus Christ, Post." I thought, "there you go again making a mockery of our political system." I was all indignant that they were likening the presidential race, "the presidential race, for God's sake!" to a football game. It wasn't until yesterday when I realized how very right they were, in fact. It very much is like that. And suddenly and strangely I was okay with that. Its what it is. And as things is, we have the same expectations of the Super Bowl and Super Tuesday (coincidence? I think not). We have the same expectations of football players and presidential contenders. One might go so far as to say the football players have more in the way of social influence than so-called Leaders of the Free World. We don't expect our leaders to lead anymore. The Office of the President has become that of someone who just does his/her job (or doesn't and lame-ducks it up) without leading his/her people in any way. This is how it is and how people expect it to be. Who really leads this country? Personalities--Oprah, Jon Stewart, um, I don't know Brad Pitt, George Clooney (yes!). Al Gore has said he's had much more influence doing what he's doing now than if he were to be President. Bill has said the same about post-Presidential life. So the Presidency and the race therefor is deemed moot in public perception, leaving it as fodder for entertainment, sport, a reality television show.

But these leaders (or even surrogate leaders) don't want to be President. Real leaders of our country don't want to be President anymore. There are so many better ways to make a difference in the world. And the paths that people venture to make a real difference in the world, probably ultimately disqualifies one from the office anyhow.

So thats part of the reason I'm investing myself in someone who I think maybe, just maybe (and I will SO take maybe at this point) can turn the Office of the President into a place of leadership, again. The remaining Decmocratic candidates' policies are hardly differentiable if pulled out of a hat. But one of them may able to lead a nation of people, who, whether willingly or not, are bonded by this country and its principles. And however cliche they've become, they're actual. It is a good thing. And though the "people" at the Post may be watching the television on Nov. 4 waiting to see who gets to drop the pretty balloons, or who "trounces" whom, there are a lot of people in this country who feel that this is a crucial time for us and we need someone who can lead. I have not known a real leader in my lifetime. And that there is the potential to have someone who is willing to lead who might also be the President is shocking to me.

Speaking of George Clooney, why can't this guy be President? Seriously, this is what we need.


p.s. I found myself strangely emotional about John Edwards dropping out of the race yesterday. His presence was important to "the cause" and I hope he doesn't disappear.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm right with you on this. I think my "maybe" on the gentleman from Illinois is more maybe than yours, but the thing about the real leaders working outside of politics, is something I've been paying a lot of attention to. Smells to me like revolution.
The problem is that when power doesn't attract people who are trying to get good things done, guess who's left? We still entrust the person who occupies that office with little things like the authority to launch nuclear weapons. I can think of a lot of people I don't trust with that power. Weird. Several of them are in the White House right now.